Plan miasta Mieville

Mieville - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Books Quiz of 2010

Correct answer: China Miéville. 5. As announced in May, which thriller writer has been commissioned by the Fleming Estate to write the next new Bond novel, following Sebastian Faulks's Devil May Care? Correct answer: Jeffery Deaver ...
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What we did on our holidays ?? part 1

I also finished reading China Miéville's excellent The City and The City, a book that I cannot recommend highly enough. A long way from his New Crobuzon novels, which I love, this is a completely different type of novel, complex, ...
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Between The City and The Conveyancing

This week I have mostly been reading ?The City and The City? by China bMieville/b and it has been a messed-up, paranoia-inducing experience. The book is mostly a detective story, with an added is-this-a-fantasy-novel-or-not guessing game ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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